
Updated:2024-09-29 MAIA

What is software health? In MAIA, it currently is metrics and data concerning open-source software projects.


Updated:2024-09-29 MAIA

Artifact status tags

Status tags are generated using information provided by the Information Services: Health Service.

Each artifact may have a set of one or more of the following status tags.

  • OK : The artifact is verified to be in its latest** official release version available.
  • Update available : Updates are available for the artifact. Read more.
  • Update check disabled : The check is disabled.
  • No data : Data cannot be automatically extracted from an online service/api.
  • Aging : The latest version of the artifact is more than ~2.5 years old (default setting, may be modified).
  • Old : The latest version of the artifact is more than ~5 years old (default setting, may be modified).
  • Archived : The project providing the artifact has been set to Archived at the source.
  • Manual : Data is manually set, no automatic updates.
  • Unresolved : Data is automatically extracted but may have an ambiguous interpretation. Read more

** an included artifact in a pre-release is set to OK if it's more recent than the latest official release.
