Verify installation requirements

  1. Get the .bsx installation file (Bash Self Extracting file) and store it in the /tmp directory on the installation host.
  2. Open a terminal window on the host where the webapp will be installed.
  3. Update the package list.
sudo apt-get update
  1. Install genisoimage needed to unpack iso files
sudo apt-get install genisoimage
  1. Create the group maia.
sudo groupadd maia
  1. Create the user maia and add the user to the group maia.
sudo useradd maia -g maia
  1. In the /opt directory, create the directory data.
sudo mkdir /opt/data

/opt/data/t2maia will later be the installation top directory.

  1. Add write privileges for the user maia in the directory /opt/data.
sudo chown -R maia:maia /opt/data
  1. Log in as the user maia.
sudo su - maia
  1. Run the .bsx-script in verification mode.
sh /tmp/*maia*.iso.bsx --verify
  1. Read the installation log and look for error messages. If there are no error messages, continue to Install the WebApp.

  2. If there are error messages in the installation log, correct the errors according to the instructions in the error messages. When all errors have been corrected, run the script again.

    If the errors remain, contact the MAIA software support

  3. Read the installation log and verify that the last output line is:

MAIA Software installation requirements are verified OK.
