Global settings

Updated 2024-10-08 MAIA

The Global settings page contains various tabs to view and edit global settings.

The system configuration and user privileges decides the visibility of each tab .

Existing tabs:

  • Adapter tab: Specifies network settings to communicate with external services.
  • API tokens tab: Delete all tokens.
  • Artifact tab: Specifies time to consider external artifacts as "aging" and "old".
  • Database tab: Database settings.
  • Issues tab: Settings to connect to various Issue Tracker Systems.
  • Kafka tab:
  • LDAP tab:
  • Mail tab:
  • Threat intelligence tab:

Adapter tab

Updated 2024-10-08 MAIA

This page is for information about current Adapter settings. Edit the file specified in the page to change settings.

Each adapter setting specifies a network connection to an external information service:

  • name of the adapter
  • host address
  • port number
  • access token

API tokens tab

Updated 2024-10-08 MAIA

Button to delete all API-tokens.

Artifact tab

Updated 2024-10-08 MAIA

Specify settings to consider external artifacts as "aging" and "old".

Database tab

Updated 2024-10-08 MAIA

Database settings.

Issues tab

Updated 2024-10-08 MAIA

This page contains information about settings to connect to various Issue Tracker systems. Edit the file specified in the page to change settings.

Kafka tab

Updated 2024-10-07 MAIA

This page is for information about current Kafka settings. Edit the file specified in the page to change settings.

Configuration parameters
Parameter M/O Type Description Default
brokers M Array.of(String) The list of Kafka brokers that MAIA WebApp should connect to. NA
topics M Array.of(String) The list of Kafka topics that MAIA WebApp should listen to. NA
client_id M String A user specified identifier for the client making the request. maia_core_kafka_consumer
group_id M String A user specified identifier for the group to which a Kafka consumer belongs. maiacorePID
start_from_beginning O Boolean Defines whether all old messages in the brokers will be received again when connecting. false

LDAP tab

Updated 2024-10-07 MAIA

The information below is edited in the web page. You will need "Update systems settings" permission to edit information in this tab.

  1. "tls": true / false. Whether TLS security is used for the communication between the LDAP server and MAIA WebApp.
  2. "host": "name or ip-address". The address to the LDAP server.
  3. "port": "port number" (usually 389). Connection port number.
  4. "base_dn": the distinguished base domain name according to RFC2253, see example above.
  5. "attr_login": the attribute in LDAP to match login identity, . , etc.
  6. "mail" : "mail", an email address.
  7. "full_name": "cn", Common Name.

Mail tab

Updated 2024-10-07 MAIA

This page is for information about current Adapter settings. Edit the file specified in the page to change settings.

Threat intelligence tab

Updated 2024-10-07 MAIA

The information below is edited in the web page. You will need "Update systems settings" permission to edit information in this tab.
