
Compare test executions


Compare two Test executions (of the same type) by pushing the compare select buttons in the test executions table.

A new window is opened, specifying the compared tests, showing the differences.

The Test execution diff page has three main sections:

  • Information box
  • Transition summary
  • Diff details

Information box

The box contains detailed information about the test executions that have been compared. The top section contains the older execution, then comes the the newer one, and last a short summary.

Each execution is described with:

  • Label: the label of the test execution and a link to the test execution show page.
  • Status: the verdict of the execution, Success, Failed, etc.
  • Start time: execution start time.
  • Tags: the tags related to the execution.
  • User: user that registered the test.
  • Artifact: the artifact that the test is referencing i.e. the software that has been tested, and a link to it.

The summary contains:

  • Equal tests : number of test cases with equal results.
  • Differing tests : number of tests with differing results.

Transition summary

The summary states the transition from the old executions to the new ones, with numbers and, for tests with changes, diff details of the tests.

Diff details

Are presented in a table sorted with the newest on top.

Heading Description
Suite Name of the test suite, and a link to the test statistics for the suite
Test case Name of the test case, and a link to the test statistics for the test case.
Old result Expand to se the detailed result for the old run
Old run Icon stating the status of the test run
New result Expand to se the detailed result for the new run
New run Icon stating the status of the test run