Prepare, if not already done, the environment file and the configuration file to deploy a build.
The environment file must have following variables defined:
Edit the parameters in the configuration file. The file must contain at least the parameters version, prepare_cmd and test.
See component configuration file for more information about parameters.
Example of a basic component configuration file.
version: 4.0
prepare_cmd: make test_prepare
- name: Suite 1
cmd: 'make unit_test BUILD_LABEL=<%= build_label %>'
Check out the component with the MAIA agent command maia checkout.
bundle exec maia checkout -c
Use the MAIA Agent command test to test a built component_name.
a. To test with an activity that is posted to the MAIA WebApp:
maia test -c component_name -p 0 -z "comment"
b. To test the component without an activity:
maia test -c component_name
c. To run test commands from a specific section in the configuration file, add the option -e and specify section_name:
maia test -c component_name -e section_name
If no section is specified, the MAIA Agent will search for test commands in the section test.
Use the MAIA Agent command test to test a built component_name.
a. To test with an activity that is posted to the MAIA WebApp:
maia test -c component_name -p 0 -z "comment"
b. To test the component without an activity:
maia test -c component_name
c. To run test commands from a specific section in the configuration file, add the option -e and specify section_name:
maia test -c component_name -e section_name
If no section is specified, the MAIA Agent will search for test commands in the section test.