Definitions and Concepts

Updated:2024-09-29 MAIA

This chapter is about explaining definitions and concepts used by MAIA Software. Some are common software development concepts, some have a MAIA flavor, and others are MAIA specific.

Name Topic Description
Activities WebApp MAIA enables the monitoring of client-side activities, in real-time, through activity pipelines.
Active user WebApp A user belonging to a team is automatically set to Active.
Adapters Services See MAIA Adapter services
Agents Services Agents are software services performing specific tasks, feeding data from various activities into the MAIA WebApp.
Approved License A license can be approved per software component/version.
Artifacts WebApp An artifact is an instance of a component.
Artifact status tags Component The update/version status for individual artifacts.
Assembly Component See Collection
Code changes finished WebApp Code confirmation slider for additional security and control.
Component Component A component is a collection of files in a repository, or a collection of other components.
Collection Component A collection of multiple ‘built' configuration items.
CVE Security Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
CVSS Security Common Vulnerability Scoring System (external link)
CWE Security Common Weakness Enumeration (external link)
Dependency component. Component or an External component. The dependency/external component is represented with a cloud icon.
Diff License Making a comparison between the license text and the template text.
Events Communications Event message streaming with Apache Kafka (external link)
Exploit Security An exploit is a piece of software, a chunk of data, or a sequence of commands that takes advantage of a bug or vulnerability in an application or a system to cause unintended or unanticipated behavior to occur
Favorites WebApp Favorite pages selected in the user interface.
Glimse Communications Glimse is the MAIA specifik event messaging protocol.
Health WebApp Software health metrics of open source projects.
History WebApp List of events registered in the WebApp.
Index page WebApp Webpage containing a list of pages associated with a topic.
Issues WebApp the generalized shared name for a task, story, requirement, etc.
ITS WebApp Issue Tracker System
License License A software license is a contract between the entity that created/supplied an application, source code, etc and its end-user. A license has a Name, a Type, and an identifying Text.
License approval License License management: Evaluation and approval for use.
License name License A common name of the license
License source License The source of the license information
License template text License The standard license text for a license type.
License type License A license type is a software license shared by multiple software components.
MAIA Adapter services Services MAIA adapter services are responsible for the connection and adaption of data when communicated between external software systems and the main WebApp.
MAIA Agent Services MAIA Agent is software used for scanning repositories, building and testing software. MAIA Agent is responsible for communicating data to the main web application.
WebApp WebApp MAIA Web application is the core part containing business logic, user interface, data storage, and communications.
Modes of operation WebApp MAIA can operate in Normal or Maintenance mode.
Multitenant WebApp The single instance of the application serves multiple tenants with a common app but where data and configurations are separated (individual databases).
Notifications WebApp A list of real-time notifications to be registered and confirmed.
Outdated WebApp A Delivery report becomes outdated if data related to the report is modified without any changes in the executable code.
Permissions Security A users permissions decides the functionality currently provided to that user.
Permissiveness License A description of how permitting the license is
Pipelines WebApp Individual activities can be chained and visualized as pipelines.
Recommendation License A general guidance can be set per license type: Approve/Internal use only/Deny
SBOM Dependencies Software Bill-of-Materials. MAIA supports the OWASP CycloneDX (external link) standard.
SemVer WebApp Artifact versioning system acknowledged by MAIA (see SemVer)) (external link)
Show page WebApp Webpage containing details about a topic.
Single component Component A component containing a collection of files in a repository. The single component is represented with a cube icon.
SPDX License is a standard identifier for the license type (see SPDX) (external link)
Tags WebApp
Teams WebApp A user belongs to, at least, one team.
Token Security An access token containing the security credentials for a login session and identifies the user, the user's groups, a particular application, etc.
Top component Component
Track Component A branch.
Versioning WebApp SemVer is the artifact versioning system acknowledged by MAIA (see SemVer)) (external link)
