
Updated:2024-12-04 SBOM Central

This chapter contains information about the web pages in SBOM Central.

Updated:2024-09-29 SBOM Central

This page contains legal information about MAIA Software, and can be opened from the Settings menu.


  • Licensing Information: license information from included software.
  • General terms of use.
  • Privacy Policy.

Updated: 2024-11-26 SBOM Central

An API token is used to secure and authenticate access to an API.

When a valid token is provided, the API server grants the appropriate level of access. The request is rejected if the token is invalid or lacks necessary permissions.

This is a page where all tokens belonging to the user are listed. On the page, you can Create, Reveal, and Delete tokens.

Reveal can only be performed once per token.

Update: 2024-10-28 SBOM Central

The CWEs (Common Weakness Enumeration) menu page is an index page listing the current most dangerous software weaknesses. The list is published yearly by MITRE (external link) where each weakness type gets a score (0-100).

Upload button

Information box

  • Date: Date of weakness listing.
  • Origin: Origin of information.
  • Web: Web address of origin.

Priority setting.

  • Min: lowest score, start of lowest priority.
  • Medium: start score of medium priority.
  • High: start score of high priority.
  • Top: start score of top priority.
  • Max: highest score possible.


Header Description
Identifier CWE identity and a link to detailed information at the MITRE home page.
Score Severity score
Priority A priority level is indicated with a colored thermometer (see below).
Description Short description.


  • Black: Top < Score < Max
  • Yellow: High < Score < Top
  • Green: Medium < Score < High
  • Light blue: Min < Score < Medium
  • -- : No priority set for this weakness
Update: 2024-10-07 SBOM Central

Environments are environment information related to SBOMs, etc, with the ability of connecting variables to tags.

Index page

The index page lists all available environments.

Table description
Heading Description
Name Identity of the environment.
Comment Additional information.
Tags Tags associated with the environment.

Filter by Description
Search Search table info.
Tags Filter by tags

Show page


Updated:2024-10-28 SBOM Central

An external artifact is usually a version of an open source component.


  1. External artifacts index page
  2. External artifacts show page
  3. Licenses tab
  4. Deliveries tab
  5. SBOMs tab
  6. Vulnerabilities tab
  7. SBOM data tab
  8. History tab

External artifacts index page


External artifacts show page


Licenses tab


Deliveries tab


SBOMs tab


Vulnerabilities tab


SBOM data tab


History tab


Updated:2024-12-06 SBOM Central
  • A Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) is a document that lists all the software components that are used in a particular software product or application, including both proprietary and open-source components, as well as their version numbers, dependencies, and origins.
  • SBOMs (Software Bill-of-Materials) may be uploaded to the WebApp manually or through the RestAPI.


  1. SBOMs index page
  2. SBOMs show page
  3. Comparison tab
  4. Deliveries tab
  5. Vulnerabilities tab
  6. External artifacts tab
  7. Licenses tab
  8. BOMs tab
  9. SBOM data tab
  10. History tab
Updated: 2024-11-26 SBOM Central

Definition: A team is a group of people who perform interdependent tasks to accomplish a common mission or specific objective.

The purpose of a team is to limit the access users have to data in WebApp so that the work of different teams can be separated from each other.


  1. Teams index page
  2. Teams show page
  3. Members tab
  4. Team permissions tab
  5. Components tab
  6. History tab

The team contains:

  • Members (Users).
  • A set of permissions.
  • Access to a set of components.

A user can be a member of one or more teams.

A user can switch between teams to access different subsets of information. This allows multiple teams to work in the WebApp simultaneously without creating conflicts.

The team root is a mandatory team used for administrative purposes in the WebApp. By default, the root team is granted all admin permissions.
