
External collection component show page

Updated 2024-09-29 - SBOM Central

The External collection component show page contains information and references related to a component.

The page has the following main areas:

  1. Identity of the component.

  2. Tabs row and unique content for each tab.

    1. SBOMs tab.
    2. Deliveries tab.
    3. History tab.
  3. Button row

    1. Edit component
    2. Clone component
  4. Information box.


Name Description
SBOMs A list of SBOMs created for the component.
Deliveries A list of existing delivery reports.
History A list of manual data changes in the WebApp related to this component.

Button row

  • Edit button: Opens an edit box to modify the component data.

  • Clone button: Opens a dialog to create a clone of the component.

Information box

  • Type: Operating system/Software application/Hardware/etc.
  • Vendor: Organization creating the component.
  • Name: Name of the component.
  • Description: Description of the component.
  • Kind: Kind of component, Single/Collection/External/External collection.
  • Created at: Date/Time.
  • Created by: Identity of the creator.
  • Menu group: Positioning of a menu link to the component.

SBOMs tab

Updated 2024-09-29 - SBOM Central

The tab contains a list of all SBOMs of the component registered in the WebApp, sorted with newest on top.

The table displays all artifacts the current team has permission to see. If the user performs a search (filter), the table displays the results from the search.

Table description
Heading Description
Name The name of the SBOM, and a link to the SBOM show page.
Version The version of the SBOM.
Build time Date & time the SBOM was created.
Delivered Indicates that the SBOM has a Delivery report.
Tags List of tags.
Compare Compare SBOMs.


Compare two SBOMs (of the same type) by pushing the compare select buttons in the table.

A new windows is opened on top, specifying the builds to be compared. When two builds are selected: push the compare button to open a new SBOMs Diff page, showing the differences.

Filter by Description
Search Search
state Filter on state
deliveries Filter on has deliveries.
tags Filter on SBOM tags.
start date Filter on first date
end date Filter on last date

Deliveries tab

Updated 2024-09-29 - SBOM Central

This tab contains a list of all delivery reports for the component, with the newest on top.

The delivery reports table displays all reports the current team has permission to see. If the user performs a search (filter), the table displays the results from the search.

Table description
Heading Description
Title The name of the delivery report with a link to the Delivery report show page.
Published Published day:time
SBOM The artifact that has been built and is referenced by the report. Contains a link to the Built artifact show page.
Label The delivery label
Notify on vulnerability The lowest priority level to get a notification on new vulnerabilities.
Cancelled Cancel the delivery report.

Filter by Description
Search Search the Name of an artifact.
Product Filter by products.
Vulnerability notification Filter by level of notification
start date Select a start date to narrow the search.
end date Select a end date to narrow the search.

Delivery report show page

Button row
  • Edit button: Opens an edit box to modify the Delivery report content. Creates a new revision of the report.

  • Delete button: Deletes the delivery report.

  • Generate VEX button: Generates a VEX report for the delivery.

Information box
  • Label: The delivery label
  • Built Artifact: The artifact that has been built and is referenced by the report. Contains a link to the Built artifact show page.
  • Ordered by: Identity of the responsible person.
  • Contact name: Name of contact.
  • Contact email: Email of contact.
  • Contact phone: Phone of contact.

  • Notify on vulnerability: The lowest level of notification.


Reason for delivery.


Versions of the delivery report.


Change history.

History tab

Updated 2024-09-29 - SBOM Central

The History tab is a list of changes performed in the web app UI.