

Updated:2024-12-06 SBOM Central
  • A Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) is a document that lists all the software components that are used in a particular software product or application, including both proprietary and open-source components, as well as their version numbers, dependencies, and origins.
  • SBOMs (Software Bill-of-Materials) may be uploaded to the WebApp manually or through the RestAPI.


  1. SBOMs index page
  2. SBOMs show page
  3. Comparison tab
  4. Deliveries tab
  5. Vulnerabilities tab
  6. External artifacts tab
  7. Licenses tab
  8. BOMs tab
  9. SBOM data tab
  10. History tab

SBOMs index page

Updated:2024-12-06 SBOM Central

Is a listing of all SBOMS sorted with newest on top.

The SBOMs table displays all SBOMs the current team has permission to see. If the user performs a search (filter), the table displays the results from the search.


+Upload button: to manually upload an SBOM (Software Bill-of-Materials) in the CycloneDX format (more info below).

+Create button: to manually create an SBOM from external artifacts registered in SBOM Central (more info below).

Table description
Heading Description
Name The name (label) of the SBOM, and a link to the SBOMs show page.
Component The component identity.
Version The version of the component.
Build time The time the SBOM was created.
Delivered Displays whether the SBOM has a delivery report.
Tags The tags on the SBOM.
Compare Select button for a comparison (see below).

Filter by Description
Search Search the Name of an artifact.
component Select component to narrow the search.
state Select state of the build to narrow the search.
deliveries Select whether a the artifact has delivery reports to narrow the search.
tags Select one or more tags to narrow the search.
start date Select a start date to narrow the search.
end date Select a end date to narrow the search.


Compare two SBOMs (of the same type) by pushing the compare select buttons in the SBOMs table.

A new windows is opened on top, specifying the SBOMs to be compared. When two SBOMs are selected: push the compare button to open a new SBOM Diff page, showing the differences.


Push the upload button to manually upload an SBOM.

Select/Edit Description
Sbom Browse your file system to select an SBOM file.
Tags Select or/and create tags for the SBOM.
Vendor Input vendor name to override name in SBOM.
Component Input component name to override name in SBOM.
Version Input version name to override version in SBOM.
Timestamp Input timestamp to override creation time in SBOM.


Push the create button to manually create an SBOM.

Select/Edit Description
Vendor Vendor name for the SBOM
Name SBOM component/product name.
Version SBOM version.
Build-time SBOM creation time.
Tags Add tags to the SBOM
Select artifact Select artifacts to be included (must be registered in SBOM Central). Start editing artifact name to open a selection list.
Artifacts A list of all artifacts included into the SBOM

SBOMs show page

Updated:2024-12-06 SBOM Central

The SBOM show page contains information and references related to one specific SBOM.

The page has the following main areas:

  1. Identity and version of the SBOM.
  2. Top boxes with highlighted data.
  3. Tabs row and unique content for each tab.
    1. Comparison tab.
    2. Deliveries tab.
    3. Vulnerabilities tab.
    4. External artifacts tab.
    5. Licenses tab.
    6. BOMs tab.
    7. SBOM data tab.
    8. History tab.
  4. Button row
  5. Information box.

Top box

Color coded status boxes:

Box Description
Build status SBOM upload Success or Failed.
Since last delivery Time since the Delivery report was created.
Licenses not decided on Number of licenses to evaluate and decide action/Total number of licenses.
Vulnerabilities not analyzed Number of vulnerabilities to evaluate and decide action/Total number vulnerabilities.
Vulnerabilities must be fixed Number of vulnerabilities to manage (fix).


  • Light blue : Status OK
  • Red : Fail/error
  • Purple : Warning
  • Grey : No data


Name Description
Comparison Comparing data in this Build with data in an earlier Build and presentation of the differences.
Deliveries Create a delivery report for this SBOM, a listing of existing reports.
Vulnerabilities A list of vulnerabilities detected in this SBOM.
External artifacts A list of artifacts included in/related to this SBOM.
Licenses A list of licenses included in/related to this SBOM.
BOMs A list of SBOM files for this SBOM-report.
SBOM data Raw SBOM header data.
History A list of manual changes of data in WebApp related to this SBOM.

Button row

  • Sync external artifacts button: Syncronize all external artifacts regarding vulnerabilities, health, patches, etc.
  • Delete button: Delete the SBOM.
  • +Duplicate button: Duplicate the SBOM. Opens a dialog to edit and modify data.
  • +Generate SBOM button: Generate an SBOM file.

Information box

  • Component: vendor/component identity.
  • Version: Version of the component.
  • Build time: Time when SBOM was created.
  • Environment: Id/Link to the environment description.
  • Tags: Tags associated with this SBOM.
  • Created at: Time when the SBOM was registered in SBOM Central.
  • Uuid: Universally unique identifier for this build.


  • Name: Name of previous SBOM.
  • Version: Version of previous SBOM.
  • Build time: Time of creation.

Previous delivered

  • Name: Name of previous SBOM with a delivery report.
  • Version: Version of previous SBOM.
  • Build time: Time of creation.

SBOMs comparison tab

Updated:2024-12-06 SBOM Central

Comparing data in this SBOM with data in an earlier SBOM and presentation of the differences.

Sections in the page:

  • Comparison: Select buttons to make comparisons (Previous).
  • Changes in included artifacts: Changes in included artifacts in comparison to the selected SBOM.
  • Changes in compile time artifacts: Changes in compile time artifacts in comparison to the selected SBOM.

Comparison selection

Previous buttons to select one of two types of SBOM to compare with:

  • Previous (default): Select to show differences to the previous SBOM .
  • Previously delivered: Select to show differences to the previous SBOM that has a Delivery report.

Dependency buttons to select the amount of dependencies to visualize.:

  • Show all dependencies (default for a collection component): Show changes for all components included in the build.
  • Show closest dependencies (default for a single component): Show changes related to this component.

Advanced diff button to open a new page to compare this build with any other build, SBOM diff.

Changes in included artifacts

Header Description
Component Icon and identity of the component, and a link to component pages in MAIA. External components are described in the package url format. About package url (external link).
From Version before this build. Link to 1) a component build report with this version, or 2) a external component show page.
To Version after this build, and links.
Changes Tags describing the changes. Version (blue): Component with version change. Component removed (orange): Component is not included anymore. Component added (orange): New component included.

Changes in compile time artifacts

Same as the previous section for components that are used in compile time.

SBOMs deliveries tab

Updated:2024-12-06 SBOM Central

Necessary permissions to create a delivery report: Create/Update delivery reports and Update issues.

When an SBOM has a delivery report generated by the WebApp, it's regarded as Delivered by SBOM Central.

Sections in the tab:

  • Create report button
  • Delivery reports table

Create report

When pushing the Create report button a pop-up window with a form for report editing.

  • Title: A free-text field, labelling the delivery report.
  • Label: Select or create a project name for the delivery or select an existing project.
  • Notify on vulnerabilities: Select if alterations in vulnerability status for artifacts included in the delivery shall generate a notification.
  • Reason for delivery: Delivery notes.
  • Contact info: Name/email/phone to contact.
  • Archived: Set delivery to "Archived".
Delivery reports

The table lists all reports created for this SBOM.


  • Title: The label of the report including a link to the report.
  • Published: Date and time.
  • Generate VEX: Push button to generate a VEX report for the Delivered product.

Delivery reports show page

Open the report page by clicking the label. The page has four tabs and an information box:

  • Reason for delivery.
  • Revisions.
  • BOMs
  • History
  • Information box, with Edit, Delete and Generate VEX buttons

Reason for delivery.

Delivery report versions.

Table containing all versions of the delivery report.


  • Html: Version number, including a link to the html report.
  • Pdf: Version number, including a link to the pdf report.
  • Published: Date and time.
  • Change: Change comment.
  • User: created/updated by User.

Reports related to the delivery.


  • Kind: Kind of report.
  • Title: Title of report, including a link to the report page.
  • Published: Date and time.
  • Download: Download button.
  • Delete: Delete button.


Information box, with Edit, Delete and Generate VEX buttons

  • Edit and update the report.
  • Delete the Delivery report.
  • Generate VEX. Generate a VEX report for the delivery.

SBOMs vulnerabilities tab

Updated:2024-12-06 SBOM Central

The Vulnerabilities tab contains an index page listing all vulnerabilities detected for this SBOM.

Sections in the page:

  • Filter row
  • Filter buttons
  • Summary
  • Vulnerabilities table

Filter row

Filter by Description
Search Search the Name of an artifact or CVE-id.
Backend Filter by backend data provider: NVD or OSV.
Analyzed Filter on: analyzed.
Missing alias Filter on Missing alias, i.e. OSV and NVD are not in sync regarding analtytics.
Action Filter on decided action: fix/don't fix
Due date Filter on due dates: 1Month/2 Months/3 Months
Usage Deliverable, Compile time, Runtime, Test.

Filter buttons

  • Only vulnerable (default): Show all Vulnerabilities with a priority. A vulnerability analysis and decision resulting in "Not vulnerable", "Fixed", etc. should be set to Priority = "None".
  • All: Show all vulnerabilities regardless of priority.


Shows the number of Vulnerabilities for each Priority.

  • Grey = None
  • Light blue = Low
  • Green = Medium
  • Orange = High
  • Red = Critical

Vulnerabilities table

A listing of all vulnerabilities identified in this build.

Header Description
Identifier Vulnerability identity, CVE-id or other, and a link to the local vulnerability show page containing detailed information and analysis tools.
Priority Priority set by a manual decision or by an automated rule.
Added date Date when the vulnerability was added to the WebApp.
Analysis The result of a analysis.
Action Decided action.
Due date The due date (if any)
Artifact Name of the artifact and link to the detailed artifact info , in package url format. About package url (external link).
Artifact status Health status for the artifact.
Used in Deliverable, Compile time, Runtime, Test.

SBOMs external artifacts tab

Updated: 2024-12-06 SBOM Central

Lists all external artifacts included in this SBOM.


Filter by Description
Search Search artifact name(s).
Type Software/OS-Firmware/Hardware
Package type Filter by type of artifact e.g. generic, gem, npm, etc.
License approval Filter on has approved, disapproved, etc.
License Filter on has license/has no license
Vulnerabilities Filter to show vulnerable artifacts within priority categories.
Usage Filter on usage Deliverable/Compile time/Real time/Test.
Status tags Filter on a set of status tags.

  • Deep (dependencies) Show all dependency artifacts related to the build.
  • Shallow (dependencies) Show the direct dependencies for current component.

Table description
Header Description
Name Name and version of the artifact and link to detailed artifact info, in package url format. About package url (external link).
Status Artifact status described with a set of tags (see below).
Vulnerabilities A colored text indicating the highest priority on an existing vulnerability detected for the artifact. Link to open an inline table with a list of vulnerabilities.
Licenses Licenses identified for the artifact. Light blue icon= approved, Grey=to be analyzed, Red=not approved
Used in Deliverable/Compile time/Real time/Test
By artifact Used by artifact.

Vulnerability inline table

Header Description
Identifier Vulnerability identity, CVE-id or other, and a link to the local [vulnerability show page]() containing detailed information and analysis tools.
Priority Priority set by a manual decision or by an automated rule.
Added date Date when the vulnerability was added to the WebApp.
Analysis The result of analysis.
Action Action fix / don't fix.
Due date The due date (if any)

SBOMs licenses tab

Updated: 2024-12-06 SBOM Central

The Licenses tab contains a list of all artifacts sorted on license type.

Filter Buttons groups
  • License kind buttons: filter on kind of license.
  • License source buttons: filter on license source.
  • Usage button: filter on Deliverable / Compile time
  • Approval status button: filter on approved/disapproved/undecided status.

License table

One table for each license type

Header Description
Artifact Name of the artifact and link to the detailed artifact info , in package url format. About package url (external link).
Approval Approval status: Approved/Disapproved/undecided with icons.
Source License source: SBOM/Link/Manual ... from an SBOM/downloaded through a link/manually created
Present in Deliverable / Compile time

SBOMs history tab

Updated: 2024-12-06 SBOM Central

The History tab is a list of changes performed in the WebApp UI.