
License types

Updated: 2024-12-18 SBOM Central

The permission "Create/update/destroy license types" is needed to change license type data i.e. edit Template text, activate Template, edit Information box text, etc.

A license type is a software license shared by multiple software components.

The purpose of the license type pages is to collect information about all types that are present in the development process to support automation of the license management workflow.

License type index page

Contains a list of all license types defined in SBOM Central.

Table description
Heading Description
Name The explanatory license type name.
SPDX identifier A standardized identifier defined by SPDX (external link).
Name patterns License names that automatically will be assigned to this license type.
Template A template text for the license type (expandable).
Approvals Status for existing approvals -- blue icon: approved texts exists, grey icon indicates undecided exists, and red icon disapproved.

Filter by Description
Search Search the Name of a type.
Filter by text approval Filter types approved/not approved

Create button

Push the create button to open an empty pop-up editing window to create an new license type.

License type show page

Each license type has a show page:

Top box
Box Description
Status box Displays the numbers of licenses to analyze and decide on.

Information box
Attribute Description
SPDX The SPDX (external link) identifier.
Recommendation Recommendation setting for use of software with this license type: Approve/For internal use only/Deny.
Permissiveness Public domain/Permissive/Weak copyleft/Copyleft/Proprietary.
Name patterns License names that automatically will be assigned to this license type.

  • Edit (on top of information box)
  • Delete, to delete the license type.

Edit button to open a pop-up window to edit template configurations and content:

Attribute Description
Name The name of the license type
SPDX identifier The SPDX (external link) identifier.
Name patterns License names that automatically will be assigned to this license type. The selection box is editable.
Recommendation Recommendation setting for use of software with this license type: Approve/For internal use only/Deny.
Permissiveness Public domain/Permissive/Weak copyleft/Copyleft/Proprietary.
Use template Activate the template. Opens a text field for adding template text.
Template Template license text.


The Licenses tab contains a list of artifacts using this license type. Each artifact name includes a link to open the artifact show page.

Kind Description
Name A name for the license used by the artifact (individual per artifact).
Artifact Artifact using this license type, including a link to the artifact show page.
Text The unique license text included in the artifact or retrieved from a link (expandable).
Created at Created date in SBOM Central
Updated at Update date
Source Sbom/Link/Manual, Source of license text.
Approval Setting: text is Approved/Undecided/Not approved.
Ignore Active when license is ignored by system.
Edit button Push to edit license name, type, approval and ignore.

Template text

The Template text tab contains:

  • The template text area where a standard license type text can by viewed. This template text will be used when comparing any license text to this license type.


The History tab contains a list of changes performed for this license type.